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Case Studies

Case Study: Multi-Faceted Approach to Hair Loss Treatment Achieves Results at Ashley and Martin.

March 1st, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Fifty-three year old David* had a high stress, professional level job. The last thing he needed was to be worried about the state of his hair. Concerned about his appearance, he had tried a lot of over the counter products in the eight years since his hair had started to shed at a higher than normal rate.

It was an advert on the television that led David to contacting Ashley and Martin for help. Nothing he had tried to date had stopped the steady decrease in hair on his scalp, and he felt it was worth talking to a hair loss specialist to find out what more could be done.

The consultant would be responsible for his care whilst at Ashley and Martin told him that his level IV/V hair loss would be best treated with a multi-faceted approach that included prescription medication as well as a topical solution, laser therapy and herbal supplements. To support the results this diverse range of complementary therapies, specialised shampoo and conditioner would protect the environment of the new regenerated hair follicles.

David wanted to find the best hair loss treatment available to him, for the best price and had intended to shop around to find what he was looking for. However, after hearing about the comprehensive treatment package and ongoing support he would be offered at Ashley and Martin, David signed up for a RealGROWTH® program before leaving his consultant’s office.

Although his work schedule did not allow him to attend the clinic regularly for laser therapy, David was committed to the rest of his program. Gradually, the excessive hair loss returned to a natural rate of hair fall and the follicles that had been dormant for too long re-entered their active, anagen growth phase. The male pattern hair loss David had inherited from the maternal side of his family was no longer the issue it had been when he had first entered his local Ashley and Martin clinic. He was happy he had chosen Ashley and Martin to provide his hair loss treatment and could now set his mind to other things.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Only Wishes He Had Started His Ashley and Martin Program Sooner

February 21st, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

During his initial free consultation Greg* had found that there had been a combination of factors leading to his hair loss. One he had known about, and one not so obvious. Greg’s uncles had lost their hair so it had come as no surprise to Greg that he was suffering from the inherited hair loss condition of androgenic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness. However, at the time of taking supplements he had not realised that this may exacerbate his genetic predisposition to hair loss.

His consultant had performed a scalp examination and placed his androgenic alopecia at a level III on the Norwood scale before discussing treatment options with Greg. Although he felt he was too young to be losing his hair at only 23, Greg left the office without signing up for treatment.

Eighteen months after Greg had first visited his Ashley and Martin consultant, he was ready to start the treatment plan the two men had discussed a year and a half ago. It had taken time, but as he watched his hair diminish throughout his mid-twenties, Greg knew he needed to take serious action. He felt far too young to be losing his hair and had not found a solution to hair thinning in the over the counter shampoo and conditioner he had been using. It was time to call Ashley and Martin again.

He made an appointment to see the clinic hair loss doctor to have a check-up and prescription medication issued. Photographs of his hair were taken by his consultant in order to track his progress on the program and he was assisted to make an appointment for laser therapy.

At his first Ashley and Martin Review four months into his treatment, the density treatment had given Greg back was reflected in his progress photos. Impressed with the new growth he was experiencing, Greg only wished he had started his RealGROWTH® program sooner.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Ecstatic About Hair Regrowth Achieved with Ashley and Martin

January 12th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Only seventeen when he first noticed his hair begin to fall out, Bradley* had been wanting to stop it from happening since the day it started. By age twenty he had begun to purchase a hair loss treatment from the chemist. For a year and a half Bradley had faithfully applied this over the counter topical foam to his scalp. He thought it may be slowing his hair loss down, but it most certainly had not stopped the excessive hair fall or regrown any of his hair.

Plagued with serious health issues in the past requiring treatments that severely impacted his body, it was not until six years after he was given a clean bill of health that his hair began to thin of its own accord. Initially, Bradley had started to lose his hair in the crown with his frontal hair line following suit shortly after. He also noticed his hair quality decline and the colour fade to a lighter shade of brown. Sure that over the counter solutions were not how to regrow hair reliably, Bradley searched online for a hair loss specialist. A week after he had given up using hair loss products he purchased himself, he was meeting with his Ashley and Martin consultant.

There were few men on either side of Bradley’s family who had not suffered from hair loss; even his mother suffered from female pattern hair loss. So it was not a surprise to Bradley when his consultant diagnosed him with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III vertex. His very strong genetic ties to hair loss were intensified by the use of an acne medication known to have the side effect of hair loss.

His consultant explained to the 22 year old how the RealGROWTH® program worked and that he would be under the care of a hair loss doctor as well as being taken care of by the consultant. After such poor results using the over the counter remedy for so long, Bradley had wanted to find a medical solution to his hair loss. Having found what he was looking for, Bradley signed up for treatment.

At his first Ashley and Martin Review, Bradley was ecstatic about the hair regrowth he had achieved. Four months of consistent use of the hair growth products he had been given and fortnightly laser therapy treatments had achieved what he had spent eighteen unsuccessful months trying to do for himself.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Stress at Work Exacerbates Genetic Hair Loss Condition

December 29th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Although Greg* loved his job, it did cause him quite a bit of stress. He was only 26 years old but already he had risen to a management role in a busy environment. Greg had been losing his hair for over five years and he could not really recall a point in all that time where he had not given hair loss treatment serious thought. He had even tried, quite unsuccessfully, using hair loss products he had found in his local chemist.

After gathering background information and conducting a scalp examination the consultant told Greg his loss was, as suspected, inherited from his father’s side of the family. The stress he was under at work was possibly exacerbating the issue, accelerating his Norwood level V vertex loss. A medications program consisting of topical solution, anti-androgens, herbal supplements and laser therapy was suggested as the best method of intervention in Greg’s genetic condition.

The consultant showed Greg how the treatment plan he had laid out for him differed from not only what he had tried before, but how it differed from treatments in other hair loss clinics. Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® program seemed, to Greg, to be the most comprehensive and best hair loss treatment available to him. He signed up on a RealGROWTH® program and booked his appointment to see the clinic’s hair loss doctor. Hair growth products such as specialised shampoo and conditioner, herbal supplements were given to him before he left the clinic so he could start treating his hair as soon as possible.

His first Ashley and Martin review took place four months after he began treatment as discussed in his initial appointment. New photos were taken to compare to the ones taken before he began treating his hair loss. Although Greg had not come in to the clinic for regular laser therapy appointments, there were still encouraging and positive results achieved.






*name changed to protect privacy

Melbourne Case Study: Client Thrilled With New Hair Gained With Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH

December 15th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Priyansh* was in his early 20’s and still at university when he reached the stage where he could not stand the amount of hair he had lost. He had been trying to treat his hair with a topical solution he had bought at the chemist but, to his disappointment, this had barely slowed the rate at which his hair was falling out. Wanting to get value for money and find the most comprehensive and effective therapy available to him, Priyansh began shopping around for hair loss companies.

A quick internet search and Priyansh had found dozens of references to Ashley and Martin’s online presence. He used the online enquiry form to request a call from a representative to book an appointment at his local clinic.

Speaking with his consultant during his free consultation, Priyansh said he had been losing his hair since he was sixteen. Over the past five years his hair had steadily fallen out until it had become sparse throughout the whole of the top of his head. The consultant found that although Priyansh was in good health, he was highly stressed. The consultant explained that stress could be a contributing cause to hair loss, accelerating a genetic loss or even prompting shedding as a direct cause.

A prime candidate for the RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program, the consultant explained what would be involved in treating Priyansh’s level IV vertex hair loss. There were components in this program that other companies did not offer. Concerned that his hair was that of a much older man and worried about the impact this had on his appearance, Priyansh signed up for a RealGROWTH® program.

Over the span of four months, Priyansh quickly settled into a regular routine with his medication and habitually attended the clinic for laser therapy appointments. In the first months, his hair stopped shedding at a higher than natural rate. He then saw his hair begin to increase in density. At his first Ashley and Martin Review Priyansh was thrilled with all the new hair he had grown. His scalp no longer showed through at the front and his crown was on its way to being covered over. Priyansh knew he had chosen the right company to treat his hair.






*name changed to protect privacy

Melbourne Clinic Case Study: Client Convinced He Has Found the Best in the Hair Loss Business After Coming to Ashley and Martin

November 30th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Anders* had gone in to his search for a hair loss company looking for the best in the business. And after speaking with his Ashley and Martin consultant, he was convinced that he had found them. His consultant was extremely knowledgeable, the company offered support from experienced hair doctors throughout his treatment, and the RealGROWTH® medical program. Convinced he had found the company he was looking for, Anders signed up for a RealGROWTH® program.

His level IV vertex Male Pattern Hair Loss was to be treated with a combination of therapies and would be monitored the whole way through with progress reviews wherein photos would be taken and compared to the ones taken before he commenced treatment. This level of support and accountability for observable results made Anders feel confident he would be well taken care of.

The meeting with his Ashley and Martin consultant had given Anders pause for thought. Although his job was largely sedentary, it came with high levels of stress. When it had begun to happen, Anders had not been surprised to find he was losing his hair as the men on his father’s side were bald or well on their way to being so. What the 26 year old had not realised was that the stress he was experiencing could exacerbate the genetic predisposition to hair loss.

Having faithfully taken his medication every day as directed by the clinic doctor, Anders attended his first Ashley and Martin Review four months after he commenced treatment. As expected his consultant took further photos of his hair from every angle and together they looked at these side by side to assess his progress. Pleased to see that he really would be included in this process, Anders discussed the changes he was seeing with his consultant. It was evident his hair had increased in density all over and he was especially happy to see the considerable improvement in his crown.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Raving About RealGROWTH Program At First Ashley and Martin Review

November 16th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Chung’s* hair was sparse across the top of his head. The first signs that he was losing his hair had appeared over five years ago. As his hair gradually thinned Chung began to think about the idea of trying to stop his hair from falling out. At first he went to the chemist and purchased an over the counter remedy in the hopes it would help. He persisted with this treatment for a while, however using this did not stop the shedding. Already under a lot of stress in his daily life, Chung did not need his hair added to his list of concerns. He began shopping around for hair loss treatments.

His Ashley and Martin consultant collected all the information he needed to know to make a diagnosis in conversation with Chung and by performing a scalp examination. A diagnosis of Male Pattern Baldness clearly presented itself not only with the pattern of loss that Chung was experiencing, but with the strong genetic ties to hair loss he had. Family members on both sides of Chung’s family had gone bald.

Options for treatment of his Norwood level IV hair loss were presented to Chung and he was encouraged to ask as many questions as he liked about treatment and what would be provided to him by the company should he chose Ashley and Martin. This panoptic transparency as well as the multifaceted medical treatment program impressed Chung.

Ashley and Martin may not have been the first hair loss company he considered, but after the comprehensive first meeting with his consultant it was certainly the last. Chung enrolled on a RealGROWTH® program.

It did not take long for Chung to find that he had made the right decision. His hair stopped shedding at a higher than natural rate and began to grow back. By the time he attended his first Ashley and Martin review to assess his progress after sixteen weeks of treatment, he was raving about the success of the program. Thirty year old Chung was so confident about the RealGROWTH® program that he had sent his brother and a friend to Ashley and Martin to get help for their own hair loss.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Diligence With Ashley and Martin’s Treatment Program Rewarded With Excellent Results

November 2nd, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Sam* was highly stressed. Losing his hair was not helping things at all. For more than five years his hair had steadily continued to fall out. However, it finally reached the stage where other people could notice the recession in his temples and the generalised thinning all over his head. In the time since the excessive shedding had begun, Sam had tried to slow it down by using over the counter solutions. He had hoped that it may even stop the accelerated shedding and maybe even regrow the lost hair. Unfortunately this had not happened and his hair continued to thin.

After finding Ashley and Martin’s website and submitting an online enquiry, Sam came in to speak to a consultant about what could be done to help. The consultant spoke with Sam about his family and medical history as well as his expected outcomes for treatment. Sam was hoping to find a way to regrow the hair he had lost, his father also suffered from hair loss and Sam was not keen to follow this trend. After a scalp examination his consultant could see that the dermatitis Sam had on his hands was not evident on his scalp at all. Sam was diagnosed with Norwood level III vertex hair loss and offered a RealGROWTH® medications program to treat his genetic condition. Eager to get started with treatment, Sam enrolled immediately.

He attended the clinic regularly for Low Level Laser Therapy treatments and was conscientious with his nightly medication routine. And within four months he could see the rewards of his diligence. Where he had once been receding in his temples, he now had a full, healthy frontal hair line. His hair had increased in density all over and Sam was thrilled with how well his treatment program had worked for him.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Progress Photos Highlight How Much Regrowth Ashley and Martin Help Provide

October 19th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

It had been twelve years since the onset of menopause had prompted Susan’s* hair to start shedding at a higher than natural rate.  In that time her hair had thinned to the point that her scalp was clearly visible from a distance.  Knowing that others could see how sparse her hair had become was making Susan self-conscious; she rarely left the house without a scarf or hat to hide her hair.  She had tried treating her hair with two different medications from her local doctor.  However, the side effects of these had made her feel ill and she had needed to discontinue using them without gaining any hair regrowth.

The 73 year old had been considering further treatment for more than three years.  Hoping to find treatment options that would not make her feel ill, Susan started looking online for answers.  After learning about Ashley and Martin on the internet, Susan called her local clinic to book a free consultation.

The consultant examined Susan’s scalp.  The gradual thinning that had taken place over the years was evident from her frontal hair line to the crown leaving her with Ludwig grade II loss.  Family commitments had placed extra stress on her, conceivably exacerbating her menopausal onset of hair loss.

Susan had an appointment with a specialist for another issue in a few weeks and wanted to wait until she had results from him before she started to treat her hair.  Her consultant suggested speaking to the specialist about reducing the dose of the medication he had originally put her on to help with her hair.  Once she had been given the all clear from her specialist, Susan came back to Ashley and Martin to order her Laser Cap as suggested by the consultant.

Unsure that the treatment had been particularly successful for her, Susan returned after four months for an Ashley and Martin Review with her consultant.  The consultant took new photos of her hair and put them up alongside the original ones.  Neither she nor her husband could believe the difference.  Before seeing her progress photos she had not realised there had been any regrowth at all.  To Susan, the photos highlighted how bad her hair had been before coming to Ashley and Martin.  The newlywed couple were delighted with the results the treatment had for Susan.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Twenty Year Old Regains Thick, Healthy Hair Line

September 28th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Tony* was a healthy, active 20 year old young man.  What he was not, however, was ready to lose his hair.  Wanting to know if there were any possible treatments which would help him keep his hair, Tony met with an Ashley and Martin consultant.

Asking Tony what had prompted him to come to Ashley and Martin, Tony said he did not want to lose his hair at such a young age.  He was hoping to find someone who could help him stabilise the excessive shedding he had been experiencing over the past eighteen months and thicken what was left.  His mother, who had accompanied him to his appointment for support, agreed.  She thought he was too young to have to worry about going bald already.

Examining Tony’s scalp, his consultant could see that Tony’s condition was genetic.   Noting that Tony’s hair loss was evident all over the crown, but more visible in the frontal hair line and temporal regions, a diagnosis of Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III vertex was given.

Excited he would be able to help and confident Tony would receive outstanding results, the consultant offered a money back guarantee along with a RealGROWTH® medical treatment program.  Happy that they would be able to get the help he was looking for, mother and son went home to discuss the issue as a family.  Two weeks later Tony returned to see the clinic doctor in order to begin treatment.

Tony diligently followed the treatment program at home and attended the clinic for Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) appointments over the coming months.  And four months after he had begun his simple in-home routine and LLLT treatments Tony visited his consultant for his first Ashley and Martin Review. As Tony walked into the clinic it was evident his confidence had dramatically increased.  His hair had increased in density, giving him the thick and healthy hair line he was desperately wanting.






*name changed to protect privacy