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Case Studies

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Program Succeeds Where Alternative Option Failed

June 6th, 2018 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Jamie had been soldiering on using a hair loss treatment his doctor had directed him to use for two months before coming to Ashley and Martin. In that time he had not seen any new hair. He had not even noticed his hair loss slow down. The best that could be said for the treatment was that he had not had any adverse reactions.

At 25 years old, Jamie had only been losing his his hair for a year. But in that time his hair loss had gone from minor to advanced at an alarming rate. Whilst watching television, Jamie made the decision to contact Ashley and Martin after seeing our advertising. He had been thinking about taking the plunge into specialist treatment for the last six months, so concerned about his appearance and the accelerated nature of his hair loss Jamie went online and requested an appointment.

Meeting with his hair loss consultant for the first time, Jamie was given a scalp examination after discussing his relevant medical and family history. He had watched both his father and grandfather lose their hair, but Jamie felt he was too young to suffer the same fate. The Ashley and Martin consultant was confident that the Norwood level III male pattern baldness he had diagnosed Jamie with was easily treatable by a simple treatment routine.

To make sure Jamie was making informed decisions he would be confident in in the long term, the recommended RealGROWTH® program was laid out in full. The consultant discussed what each of the elements of the program would do to combat his hair loss and Jamie was given the opportunity to ask as many questions as he needed to.

Happy with his decision to move forward with treatment, Jamie was booked in to see the clinic hair loss doctor and provided with all his non-prescription items.

Over the course of the next three months, Jamie returned to the clinic fortnightly for laser therapy treatments and before long it was time for him to check in with his consultant for a review of his progress.

Looking at his check-up photos compared to the ones taken in his first appointment, Jamie was amazed. Having been receiving compliments from his friends and family about his hair for some time, Jamie’s initial scepticism was completely gone. Not all of the people commenting knew he was treating his hair, so he knew the positive feedback was genuine. Jamie walked with more confidence now and had no regrets about seeking out the help of Ashley and Martin.

*name changed to protect privacy

Mum’s Support Leads to Fuller, Thicker Hair with Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH Treatment

November 22nd, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

It was a Travis’s* mum that had urged him to contact Ashley and Martin after seeing a TV advertisement. She was concerned that it wouldn’t be long before her son was completely bald. The styling of his hair to attempt to cover up the exposed scalp was no longer working.

Travis hadn’t been too concerned at the beginning. The thinning had started slowly three years previous but in the last twelve months it had taken a drastic turn. He was hoping it would just stop by itself but internet searches were telling him something very different. He was only 27, far too young to be losing all of his hair. With the support of his mum Travis called Ashley and Martin and made an appointment to speak to the hair specialists.

Performing a scalp examination and talking to Travis about his family and medical history the consultant diagnosed male pattern hair loss, Norwood VA. With no underlying medical condition causing Travis’s hair to thin a RealGROWTH® medications program was recommended. Travis and his mum were encouraged to ask questions about the proposed treatment program. In turn the consultant answered the questions and concerns they had. Travis soon realized the longer he waited the more the chances of regrowing his hair lessened. Travis signed up for the treatment before leaving the clinic that same day.

Five months later Travis returned to see his consultant for a routine checkup. Disappointingly he told his consultant he had not noticed much improvement. Travis’s mum disagreed; she thought it looked fuller and thicker. The consultant took more photos of Travis’s hair and the two men compared them next to the first set taken in Travis’s initial consultation. Travis had forgotten how bad his hair loss had been when he first started; he was shocked looking at the meagre hair that used to cover his head. Now Travis could hardly see his scalp, he was very happy and thankful he’d listened to his mum.





*name changed to protect privacy

Health and Fitness Enthusiast Regrows Hair with Ashley and Martin Treatment

October 16th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Trai*, 33 loved health and fitness. He looked after his body, attended the gym, used the right post work out proteins and took a variety of dietary supplements. So why was he still losing his hair? Trai had heard Ashley and Martin were the best for hair loss. Now after 3 years of failed over the counter products it was time to get in touch.

Using the online enquiry system on the Ashley and Martin website Trai booked an appointment for a free consultation. Meeting with his consultant for the first time they discussed all the possible contributing factors to Trai’s hair loss. Trai had no major stress factors impacting his life now or in the recent past and it was clear he was in very good health. He did however have a history of hair loss on his father’s side of the family line.

Performing a scalp examination Trai’s consultant could see significant thinning on the crown moving forward with deep hair line recession and thinning. With no contributing factors or relevant medical history causing Trai’s hair loss a diagnosis of genetic male pattern baldness was given.

A medical program including several medications and therapies were offered to Trai to intervene in the genetic process causing his hair to fall. These targeted products would stop the hair loss in its tracks and stimulate hair growth. Concerned with how he would look if he did not act soon Trai was ready to commence treatment straight away signing up for the RealGROWTH® program.

Four months later Trai was back to see his consultant at his scheduled Ashley and Martin Review. Trai was overwhelmed; his results were amazing. Now looking his age he felt good, really good. With a full, thick head of hair he was he was portraying that overall image of health and fitness that he had wanted.





*name changed to protect privacy

Ashley and Martin Hair Loss Program Gives Client Desired Results for Wedding

September 17th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Wasim* was overjoyed with how his hair had grown since starting a RealGROWTH® program with Ashley and Martin. Wasim had expressed a desire for ‘nicer’ hair for his upcoming wedding and this had certainly been achieved. Wasim couldn’t wait to show his family the progression of hair regrowth with before and after photos taken at his regular checkups.

Twelve months previous Wasim had been concerned about his appearance. His hair had been thinning over a three year period but had become excessive and noticeable more recently. Not the look he was wanting his guests to see on the day of his wedding.

In the free consultation, Wasim’s consultant had carefully examined his scalp diagnosing male pattern baldness Norwood VA. The consultant explained that increased stress at work had exacerbated the genetic hair loss inherited from Wasim’s father’s side. A RealGROWTH medical program was recommended along with fortnightly lasers in the clinic. Concerned it would be difficult to attend regular lasers in the clinic due to a demanding work schedule, Wasim purchased his own LaserPro Plus cap to use at home.

Determined to get the best results, Wasim followed his program diligently taking the medication and applying the solution as instructed and using the Lasercap alternate days. Now, twelve months after he had first met with his consultant, Wasim’s hair was feeling stronger, the thinning was gone and there was no obvious signs of balding.





*name changed to protect privacy

8 months and the thinning has gone with Ashley & Martin RealGROWTH treatment

August 2nd, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

At 56, Michael’s* hair had been receding slowly for the past 10 years. Sudden thinning had occurred over the past 12 months and was now causing him grave concern. As a professional executive Michael took great pride in his self-care and work, if he started to let his hair go now he knew it would knock his confidence affecting his ability to do the job he loves. Michael decided it was time to explore his options with Ashley and Martin as they had been a reputable household name to him for a number of years.

Michael met with a consultant at an Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic, feeling comfortable in his professional surroundings he was happy to talk through his concerns, medical history and expectations. Michael’s consultant diagnosed andro-genetic alopecia, better known as male pattern hair loss.

A specific hair growth treatment over an 8 month period was recommended involving herbal agents to prevent the formation of the DHT, a topical solution to encourage strong hair growth, specially formulated hygiene products and low level laser light therapy. Delighted he could carry out the majority of treatment in the comfort of his own home Michael signed up immediately for treatment.

8 months later the density of Michael’s hair had doubled in thickness and his hair looked great. There was no way his job would now be affected by the way that he looked. Very happy, Michael is now maintaining his results thought the Real GROWTH ® maintenance program.

*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Consistency the Key for Ashley and Martin Client

May 10th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Adjusting to life as an independent adult was stressful enough in itself, but to have this stress manifest itself by exacerbating a genetically inherited hair loss problem was awful. Anthony* had had his hair loss passed down to him from his mother’s side of the family, his grandfather and uncles all suffered from varying degrees of baldness. His partner, knowing how he felt about his hair loss, encouraged him to seek help from Ashley and Martin.

The consultant he met with took relevant family and medical history from Anthony and performed a scalp examination. All this information led to diagnosing the 23 year old with male pattern hair loss, Norwood III. The best hair loss treatment for male pattern hair loss was one that addressed both the cause of the hair loss and prompted the follicles to re-establish a healthy growth cycle. Anthony signed up for treatment straight away.

At his first Ashley and Martin Review four months into his treatment, Anthony was unsure exactly how much new hair he had grown. His girlfriend felt his hair was improving and looking thicker, but he told his consultant he was still hoping for further results in his frontal hair line. When asked about his treatment routine, Anthony confessed he was not very consistent with taking his medication. His consultant stressed the importance of using his medication daily to achieve the best results possible on the program.

His consultant then took photos from the same angles as the ones taken in his initial consultation and put both sets of photos up on the screen for Anthony to compare. Seeing his progress tracked like this, Anthony was surprised at how much new hair he had actually regrown in sixteen weeks. Happy with the new hair he had grown, Anthony went home motivated to be more consistent with his treatment. He now knew that the RealGROWTH® program had the potential to give him exactly what he was looking for when he had first called Ashley and Martin.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s Quick, Simple Routine Takes Care of Hair Loss

April 26th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Shannon* was a private young man. He had been using Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program for four months and to date he had confided in no one other than a sibling that he was treating his hair. He had previously been to his GP in an attempt to solve his hair loss problems, and he had used an over the counter topical solution from his local pharmacy, but until now he had not found anything that worked to stop the accelerated hair fall he was experiencing.

Over the last four months, the twenty-six year old had watched as his hair fall returned to a healthy rate and subsequently increase in density until it was no longer possible to even tell he had once been losing his hair. Where his hair line had been week and individual hairs spaced sparsely enough to see through to his scalp, he now had the strong, thick hairline he remembered from three years ago. At the same time, the thinning on the top of his head had also covered back over with hair. This new growth had given Shannon the confidence to cut his hair shorter now he was no longer using length to give the illusion of thickness.

The routine Shannon had been using to reverse his Norwood III vertex hair loss had been quick, simple and taken care of in his own home. Every day he took a combination of herbal and prescription tablets and applied a small amount of the topical RealGROWTH® solution that had been compounded for him in the Ashley and Martin Pharmacy. No more than three minutes of effort each day was all it had taken to beat the genetic condition he shared with his brother, father and grandfather.

With results that spoke for themselves, Shannon was glad he had paid attention to the ad he had seen on television encouraging him to attend a free consultation with Ashley and Martin.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Treatment Achieves Exactly What Client Hopes For

April 12th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Luka* was concerned about the loss of density he was seeing in his frontal hair line when he came to Ashley and Martin. In the months before making his appointment, he had been under a lot of stress in his professional life. This stress was intensified by the need to take on the running of his father’s business affairs as well when he became ill. After the onset of these stressors in his personal and family life twelve months previously, Luka began to see an excessive amount of shedding hair as well as noticeable thinning around his frontal hair line. Luka contacted his local Ashley and Martin clinic to discuss this concerning loss of density in his hair.

As well as delving into his family history of hair loss and any medical issues that may be affecting his hair’s growth cycle, the consultant he met with asked him if he was experiencing any excess stress. After taking a look at Luka’s scalp, his consultant quickly diagnosed him with both telogen effluvium and androgenic alopecia. While telogen effluvium was the loss of hair density he had experienced as a reaction to his stressful life, the androgenic alopecia, better known as male pattern baldness, was a progressive genetic condition that would continue to get worse if left untreated.

The two men discussed treatment options to address both forms of hair loss Luka was experiencing and, feeling anxious about losing all his hair in the near future, Luka signed up for treatment that same day. It had been reassuring to know that the treatment he was about to undertake was backed with a money back guarantee.

Luka took his medication as directed every day and attended fortnightly laser therapy appointments. By the time he attended his first progress review with his consultant, he could see that treatment had already achieved exactly what he was hoping for. In his initial appointment he had told his consultant that he was hoping to stop his hair from thinning further and thicken his remaining hair back up. And the photos he was looking at showed that was exactly what had happened. Luka was thrilled with the quick and easy results of his program.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Hairdresser Recommends Ashley and Martin to Client Looking For Hair Loss Specialist.

March 28th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Neil* came to Ashley and Martin on the advice of his hairdresser. He had been under increasing stress from multiple sources lately and his concerned girlfriend strongly urged him to seek help from a hair loss specialist.

After calling for an appointment, Neil met with a consultant to discuss his hair loss. Neil had thought he had only been losing his hair over the span of eight months; however upon examination his consultant could see the excess shedding had been thinning Neil’s hair a great deal longer than that. The scale of his loss seemed to have escaped Neil. In a self-assessment before his appointment, he had indicated he thought his hair loss was a level IIIv on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale he was shown. Looking at the photos his consultant had taken in the appointment, he was shocked. He had no idea how advanced his hair loss truly was.

As Neil lived so far from the clinic, the consultant offered his two different treatment options. One would have his laser therapy delivered in clinic and the other would provide Neil with a laser device to use in home. Neil signed up on a program that included a Laser Cap for the sake of convenience and booked in to see the clinic doctor.

In his initial consultation, Neil had told his consultant of several health issues. However, it was not until he was speaking to the clinic doctor that Neil disclosed he suffered from a heart arrhythmia. While Neil would be able to start on the majority of the program immediately, the doctor needed him to get clearance from his cardiologist to commence the full program.

Despite finding it hard to establish a consistent treatment routine to begin with, and taking time to see his specialist, Neil’s treatment gradually began to halt his excess shedding. Even after he got clearance from his specialist to use the full range of medications offered to him by Ashley and Martin, Neil struggled to fit in his treatment around work and personal commitments. Four months after he started using his full program, Neil attended his first Ashley and Martin Review.

Both Neil and his girlfriend had been able to see the changes taking place and were both thrilled at the results. Due to a sporadic start, Neil still had plenty of medication to use and was looking forward to seeing what would happen now he was into the swing of it.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Scepticism About Hair Loss Treatment Erased After Seeing Results with Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Program

March 15th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Between work and home, twenty-five year old Geoffrey* lived a stressful lifestyle. To try and stop his hair thinning, he had tried a lot of over the counter hair loss products. These remedies had proved ineffective, however, and he was now faced with the decision of treating his hair loss or losing it all. The three and a half years of hair loss he had already experienced had left him with hair that was much more diffuse than it had been in his early twenties.

Geoffrey’s experience with non-prescription remedies had left him sceptical about the efficacy of any product promising hair regrowth for men. Nevertheless, after seeing an advert for Ashley and Martin on the television he decided to contact us for a free consultation.

His consultant found that aside from the stressful lifestyle he led, the main contributing factor to hair loss in Geoffrey’s history was the dominant hair loss gene passed down to him from his mother’s side of the family. A scalp examination confirmed that the pattern of loss Geoffrey presented with fit with a diagnosis of male pattern hair loss, Norwood III.

Still sceptical, but also still worried about his appearance, Geoffrey signed up for treatment. He was happy with the information he had been given by his consultant and felt it was worth trying the hair loss treatment being offered to him.

Geoffrey’s treatment consisted of both oral and topical medication in conjunction with laser therapy. While he was not consistent with his laser therapy treatments, Geoffrey used his medication at home diligently.

By the time he came to his first scheduled Ashley and Martin Review, the treatment plan Geoffrey had enrolled on had proven his scepticism unnecessary. Geoffrey’s hair had stopped shedding excessively and it had begun to increase in density.

At his second Ashley and Martin Review, any doubt about the effectiveness of Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® program had been erased from Geoffrey’s mind. He was sporting a full, thick head of hair again and was overjoyed with the outcome of his hair loss treatment.






*name changed to protect privacy