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Ashley and Martin Hair Loss Program Gives Client Desired Results for Wedding

September 17th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Wasim* was overjoyed with how his hair had grown since starting a RealGROWTH® program with Ashley and Martin. Wasim had expressed a desire for ‘nicer’ hair for his upcoming wedding and this had certainly been achieved. Wasim couldn’t wait to show his family the progression of hair regrowth with before and after photos taken at his regular checkups.

Twelve months previous Wasim had been concerned about his appearance. His hair had been thinning over a three year period but had become excessive and noticeable more recently. Not the look he was wanting his guests to see on the day of his wedding.

In the free consultation, Wasim’s consultant had carefully examined his scalp diagnosing male pattern baldness Norwood VA. The consultant explained that increased stress at work had exacerbated the genetic hair loss inherited from Wasim’s father’s side. A RealGROWTH medical program was recommended along with fortnightly lasers in the clinic. Concerned it would be difficult to attend regular lasers in the clinic due to a demanding work schedule, Wasim purchased his own LaserPro Plus cap to use at home.

Determined to get the best results, Wasim followed his program diligently taking the medication and applying the solution as instructed and using the Lasercap alternate days. Now, twelve months after he had first met with his consultant, Wasim’s hair was feeling stronger, the thinning was gone and there was no obvious signs of balding.





*name changed to protect privacy