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Case Study: Friends and Colleagues Notice How Good Client’s Hair Looks During Treatment

October 30th, 2019 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

In the last six months Jack’s* thinning hair had accelerated, prompting him to give serious consideration to seeking medical hair loss treatment. It had only taken eighteen months to get to this point since his hair had initially started falling out, starting to shed at just 20 years old. Now 22, Jack bypassed home remedies and pharmacy products, finding and contacting Ashley and Martin online. Under increased pressure at work in the last six and a half months, Jack did not need the added stress of losing his hair on top of everything else.

Generally fit and active, Jack had no other medical issues to report that may exacerbate his condition and the consultant diagnosed him with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III vertex during his first appointment. With an uncle on his father’s side losing his hair as well, Jack had not been surprised to learn that his hair loss was genetic. Intervening in the hair loss process to stop the production of 5α-reductase and support the reactivation of dormant follicles and new, thicker growth, Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program would be ideal for Jack. Accepting his consultant’s suggested course of treatment, Jack signed up to start his treatment during his first appointment and was booked in to see the clinic hair loss doctor straight away.

Despite not attending regular laser appointments, daily use of the rest of his RealGROWTH® program prompted a great deal of positive comments over the coming months. And it was not only the people who knew he was treating his hair that were noticing the difference. Friends and colleagues who he had not told about going to Ashley and Martin were also mentioning how good his hair was looking. With new hair and new confidence, Jack was extremely pleased he had contacted Ashley and Martin for help.

*name changed to protect privacy