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Case Study: Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH Treatment delivers the results that the client had been searching for

August 25th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Over a twelve-month period, Dominic* had noticed that his hair was starting to get thinner. His turning point came six months later when, after a recent haircut, a mate pointed out the large balding patch on Dominic’s crown.
Growing concerned about his appearance and prompted to act on his mate’s comments, Dominic consulted his GP and began a course of prescribed treatment combined with over the counter products and medications. Dominic wasn’t happy with the results of the treatment his doctor had provided but at 33 years old, was not yet ready to surrender to the family legacy of male pattern baldness.

Still sceptical about a successful treatment, but not giving up, he made a call to his local Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic – he had a mate who had been successfully treated by an Ashley and Martin hair loss doctor and felt that maybe it would work for him too.

And it did.

Dominic was diagnosed with male pattern hair loss, Norwood III and signed up for a treatment program on the same day.

The RealGROWTH® medical hair loss program with laser treatment delivered the results that Dominic had been searching for. The regrowth happened relatively quickly and, even though he had not told anybody that he was getting treatment, his mum started commenting on how healthy his hair was looking. In just 20 weeks the bald patch that had been developing on his crown covered over with freshly grown hair and he was elated with the results.

*name changed to protect privacy