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Case Study: Teenage Client No Longer Self Conscious Thanks to Ashley and Martin

March 11th, 2019 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Nineteen year old Hunter* had started to notice the effects of his hair loss almost three years ago. Not wanting to start going bald while he was still on his Learner’s licence, he had tried using topical treatments found at the chemist. Unfortunately for Hunter, this had not stopped his hair falling out at an accelerated rate and his crown became increasingly visible. Concerned that he would have a sizable bald patch before he got to celebrate his 21st birthday, Hunter researched his options online. Booking his appointment using the online contact form on the Ashley and Martin website, Hunter met with a consultant to discuss what could be done to stop his hair loss.

The consultant conducted a scalp examination and noted not only the diffuse nature of the hair on Hunter’s crown but an overall thinning in his hair. Stress and a genetic history had interrupted the natural growth cycle of Hunter’s hair, causing his follicles to miniaturise and become dormant. To reverse Hunter’s Norwood II loss, it was imperative that he start treatment to prompt his follicles into their growth phase before they died completely. Without treatment, more would follow. Anxious about the way his hair would continue to change the way he looked, Hunter signed up for treatment straight away.

From that moment, he never looked back. Hunter attended regular laser therapy appointments at the clinic and followed his treatment plan as his consultant and the clinic hair loss doctor advised. As his hair returned to a healthy rate of shedding and increased in density, Hunter found his confidence increasing. He was not longer sensitive about the way he looked and he felt better within himself. Impressed with the results his program had produced so far, Hunter told his consultant he would refer any of his friends who found themselves in the same position.

*name changed to protect privacy