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Early Intervention Leads to Great Results for Ashley and Martin Client

June 13th, 2018 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Twelve months ago Laith began to see the changes in his hair that had been gradually happening over time. Hair loss had crept up on him and by the time he noticed it himself, the loss was clearly visible. Over the next six months, Laith saw his hair continue to shed and thin as he mulled over the idea of seeking treatment. Finally prompted by an Ashley and Martin advert on the television, the lack of results from the topical treatment he had purchased from the chemist and his own concerns about his appearance, he submitted an enquiry online.

With the aim to prevent further loss and thicken up his existing hair, Laith spoke with an Ashley and Martin consultant, disclosing his family history of hair loss and the traumatic events he had recently undergone at home. With significant stress present and the genetic link to baldness passed on to him by his father and paternal uncle, Laith was diagnosed with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood level III vertex. This common form of hair loss was treatable and the consultant expected Laith would receive good results using a combination of prescription medication, herbal supplements, cleansing products and laser therapy.

It was not long before the results of Laith’s at-home treatment routine were being noticed by other people. Friends he had not seen for quite some time commented on how good he was looking, as did his wife and mother. The 35-year-old was extremely happy with his decision to embark on a RealGROWTH® medical hair treatment program. The simple at home routine was made even easier with the purchase of a portable laser therapy device meaning he was able to perform all aspects of his treatment program without leaving his growing family for a minute longer than he needed to.

*name changed to protect privacy