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Mum’s Support Leads to Fuller, Thicker Hair with Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH Treatment

November 22nd, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

It was a Travis’s* mum that had urged him to contact Ashley and Martin after seeing a TV advertisement. She was concerned that it wouldn’t be long before her son was completely bald. The styling of his hair to attempt to cover up the exposed scalp was no longer working.

Travis hadn’t been too concerned at the beginning. The thinning had started slowly three years previous but in the last twelve months it had taken a drastic turn. He was hoping it would just stop by itself but internet searches were telling him something very different. He was only 27, far too young to be losing all of his hair. With the support of his mum Travis called Ashley and Martin and made an appointment to speak to the hair specialists.

Performing a scalp examination and talking to Travis about his family and medical history the consultant diagnosed male pattern hair loss, Norwood VA. With no underlying medical condition causing Travis’s hair to thin a RealGROWTH® medications program was recommended. Travis and his mum were encouraged to ask questions about the proposed treatment program. In turn the consultant answered the questions and concerns they had. Travis soon realized the longer he waited the more the chances of regrowing his hair lessened. Travis signed up for the treatment before leaving the clinic that same day.

Five months later Travis returned to see his consultant for a routine checkup. Disappointingly he told his consultant he had not noticed much improvement. Travis’s mum disagreed; she thought it looked fuller and thicker. The consultant took more photos of Travis’s hair and the two men compared them next to the first set taken in Travis’s initial consultation. Travis had forgotten how bad his hair loss had been when he first started; he was shocked looking at the meagre hair that used to cover his head. Now Travis could hardly see his scalp, he was very happy and thankful he’d listened to his mum.





*name changed to protect privacy