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Health and Fitness Enthusiast Regrows Hair with Ashley and Martin Treatment

October 16th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Trai*, 33 loved health and fitness. He looked after his body, attended the gym, used the right post work out proteins and took a variety of dietary supplements. So why was he still losing his hair? Trai had heard Ashley and Martin were the best for hair loss. Now after 3 years of failed over the counter products it was time to get in touch.

Using the online enquiry system on the Ashley and Martin website Trai booked an appointment for a free consultation. Meeting with his consultant for the first time they discussed all the possible contributing factors to Trai’s hair loss. Trai had no major stress factors impacting his life now or in the recent past and it was clear he was in very good health. He did however have a history of hair loss on his father’s side of the family line.

Performing a scalp examination Trai’s consultant could see significant thinning on the crown moving forward with deep hair line recession and thinning. With no contributing factors or relevant medical history causing Trai’s hair loss a diagnosis of genetic male pattern baldness was given.

A medical program including several medications and therapies were offered to Trai to intervene in the genetic process causing his hair to fall. These targeted products would stop the hair loss in its tracks and stimulate hair growth. Concerned with how he would look if he did not act soon Trai was ready to commence treatment straight away signing up for the RealGROWTH® program.

Four months later Trai was back to see his consultant at his scheduled Ashley and Martin Review. Trai was overwhelmed; his results were amazing. Now looking his age he felt good, really good. With a full, thick head of hair he was he was portraying that overall image of health and fitness that he had wanted.





*name changed to protect privacy