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Client Starts Ashley and Martin Treatment After Seeing Son’s results

July 25th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Uncategorized

Kris* had seen his son’s confidence grow over the past 8 months having been part of an Ashley and Martin RealGrowth journey. His hair had transformed and Kris was amazed at the results. Kris now too wanted a journey of his own; at 50 he was concerned he looked old before his years, it was time to make a change and feel confident about his appearance again.

Meeting with the consultant Kris felt at ease talking about the concerns he had. His hair had become thinner over the last 6 years and was now almost none existent in particular areas, especially on the crown. Kris’s had been under increased work stress recently which the consultant explained would have intensified the hair loss but the main cause would be the genetic hair loss that ran through Kris’s family, diagnosing Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III vertex.

A RealGROWTH ® medication program was recommended by Kris’s consultant involving anti-androgens and herbal agents to stop the hair loss, specially formulated scalp cleansing products to create a friendly environment for his newly growing hair and a topical solution to encourage, strong healthy hair growth. These specialized medications and therapies would be used in conjunction with low level laser therapy sessions. Already confident in the program after seeing his son’s results, but also wanting to address his hair loss now, Kris signed up straight away.

Kris came back to see his consultant for an Ashley and Martin review, four months after starting treatment. Kris’s family and friends were commenting on the difference, but it wasn’t until Kris looked at the comparison photos for himself that he realised just how much his hair had changed. Kris’s crown was already covering with new hair growth and it felt thicker and healthier all over. Kris was so pleased he had followed in his son’s footsteps to make a change to his appearance and was recommending the program to his own friends.





*name changed to protect privacy