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Case Study: Results Happen So Quickly for Client, Mates are Surprised at how Thick and Healthy His Hair Looks

March 25th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Empathising with how 20-year-old Steven must feel, a family member suggested contacting Ashley and Martin after repeatedly seeing billboards and advertising for medical hair loss treatment over the years. The hair loss gene had struck Steven young; at 20 he had already been losing his hair for over three years. And had tried a plethora of over the counter shampoos marketed towards fixing his problem. But clearly they hadn’t worked. Feeling that it was all but guaranteed he would lose his hair in the same way his father and uncle had, Steven decided to contact Ashley and Martin online. He had already been wishing he could treat his hair for the past two years; and there was no reason to put it off any longer.

A natural worrier, Steven’s levels of anxiety had risen substantially over the past few years, impacting the growth cycle of his hair and exacerbating the effects of his genetic hair loss. Examining his hair, the Ashley and Martin consultant placed his androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern hair loss, at a level III vertex on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale and recommended RealGROWTH® medical hair loss treatment to Steven. The hair loss gene was strong in Stevens family, even his maternal grandmother had suffered. So, with real concerns about how much more hair he would lose in his early 20’s, Steven opted to move forward with treatment straight away.

Five month later, during his first Ashley and Martin Progress Review, Steven told his consultant that his results had happened so quickly that even mates that did not know he was using a medical hair loss treatment had commented about how much thicker and healthier his hair looked. Family members had commented about the increase in his hair’s density and Steven was brimming with confidence. Overjoyed with the early results of his treatment program, Steven was keen to see what his next Progress Review would show.

*name changed to protect privacy