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Case Study: Client Recommends Ashley and Martin to Friends Needing Hair Loss Help

March 22nd, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Over a decade had passed since Bailey* had begun to lose his hair.  His wife knew how he felt about his patchy hair and bald spot, it was something he was sensitive about and she encouraged him to treat his hair loss to help him feel better about the way he looked.   He had tried using over the counter remedies but his hair had continued to fall out.  Despondent about his chances of actually regrowing his hair he called Ashley and Martin after watching our ads on TV for the past year.

After discussing his family history of hair loss, in which Bailey confided the men on his mother’s side of the family had lost their hair, his consultant diagnosed his advanced hair loss as Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood V.  Bailey’s busy and stressful life was also exacerbating his genetic hair loss.

Bailey saw the Ashley and Martin doctor to further discuss his medical history, have a check-up and get his medication prescribed.  His asthma and use of Ventolin to treat this condition did not preclude Bailey from commencing on a RealGROWTH® program.  Anti-androgen medication in hand, Bailey left the office hopeful.  Bailey’s busy lifestyle prevented him from coming in to make use of the Low Level Laser Therapy included in his program.  However, he used his anti-androgens and topical solution daily together with dietary supplements and specialised hygiene products.

After only sixteen weeks on the program Bailey came in to see his consultant and he couldn’t have been happier.  People were complimenting him on how much better his hair looked and he was telling everyone it was thanks to Ashley and Martin.  His dramatic results had improved the way he felt about himself to the extent he wanted to show them to all his friends who needed help with their hair.






*name changed to protect privacy