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Case Study: Client Only Wishes He Had Started His Ashley and Martin Program Sooner

February 21st, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

During his initial free consultation Greg* had found that there had been a combination of factors leading to his hair loss. One he had known about, and one not so obvious. Greg’s uncles had lost their hair so it had come as no surprise to Greg that he was suffering from the inherited hair loss condition of androgenic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness. However, at the time of taking supplements he had not realised that this may exacerbate his genetic predisposition to hair loss.

His consultant had performed a scalp examination and placed his androgenic alopecia at a level III on the Norwood scale before discussing treatment options with Greg. Although he felt he was too young to be losing his hair at only 23, Greg left the office without signing up for treatment.

Eighteen months after Greg had first visited his Ashley and Martin consultant, he was ready to start the treatment plan the two men had discussed a year and a half ago. It had taken time, but as he watched his hair diminish throughout his mid-twenties, Greg knew he needed to take serious action. He felt far too young to be losing his hair and had not found a solution to hair thinning in the over the counter shampoo and conditioner he had been using. It was time to call Ashley and Martin again.

He made an appointment to see the clinic hair loss doctor to have a check-up and prescription medication issued. Photographs of his hair were taken by his consultant in order to track his progress on the program and he was assisted to make an appointment for laser therapy.

At his first Ashley and Martin Review four months into his treatment, the density treatment had given Greg back was reflected in his progress photos. Impressed with the new growth he was experiencing, Greg only wished he had started his RealGROWTH® program sooner.






*name changed to protect privacy