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Case Study: Client Feels Ten Years Younger After Visiting Ashley and Martin

May 17th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Thirty year old Will* worked in a fast paced, high pressure environment.  The amount of stress in his professional life coupled with a genetic predisposition had led to the advanced hair loss he was experiencing through the crown of his head.  Insecure and feeling the hair loss was making him look older than his years, he called Ashley and Martin to find out if it was too late to regrow his hair.

After a diagnosis of Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood IIIa, the consultant explained to him the way the androgens in his body were affecting his hair growth cycle.  Will had never looked in to treatments to save his hair before and as the consultant spoke Will and his partner asked questions about the process and the medications.  The consultant answered every one of their questions and encouraged the couple to ask as many as they wanted.  Once Will understood everything he felt he needed to, he signed up for a RealGROWTH® program and booked in the next day to see the clinic doctor to have his medication prescribed.

After four months on the program Will met with his consultant for a progress check-up.  Looking at his initial photos compared to his current ones, the difference was astounding.  His hair was thicker and darker; it was as if the past four years of hair loss had never happened.  Another four months on and Will met with his consultant again for another progress check-up.  The consultant, thrilled for Will that he had received the results he had been hoping for on the program, commented on how much better his hair was looking compared to when he had first come in.  Will beamed with joy when talking about his new hair growth.  He said he felt and looked ten years younger than he had a short eight months before.  Listening to the Ashley and Martin ad he had heard on the radio and making the call had been the best decision he had made in a long time.






*name changed to protect privacy