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Melbourne Clinic Case Study: Client Convinced He Has Found the Best in the Hair Loss Business After Coming to Ashley and Martin

November 30th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Anders* had gone in to his search for a hair loss company looking for the best in the business. And after speaking with his Ashley and Martin consultant, he was convinced that he had found them. His consultant was extremely knowledgeable, the company offered support from experienced hair doctors throughout his treatment, and the RealGROWTH® medical program. Convinced he had found the company he was looking for, Anders signed up for a RealGROWTH® program.

His level IV vertex Male Pattern Hair Loss was to be treated with a combination of therapies and would be monitored the whole way through with progress reviews wherein photos would be taken and compared to the ones taken before he commenced treatment. This level of support and accountability for observable results made Anders feel confident he would be well taken care of.

The meeting with his Ashley and Martin consultant had given Anders pause for thought. Although his job was largely sedentary, it came with high levels of stress. When it had begun to happen, Anders had not been surprised to find he was losing his hair as the men on his father’s side were bald or well on their way to being so. What the 26 year old had not realised was that the stress he was experiencing could exacerbate the genetic predisposition to hair loss.

Having faithfully taken his medication every day as directed by the clinic doctor, Anders attended his first Ashley and Martin Review four months after he commenced treatment. As expected his consultant took further photos of his hair from every angle and together they looked at these side by side to assess his progress. Pleased to see that he really would be included in this process, Anders discussed the changes he was seeing with his consultant. It was evident his hair had increased in density all over and he was especially happy to see the considerable improvement in his crown.






*name changed to protect privacy